Our function suite can hold upto 250 people and is available throughout the year. With custom tableclothes and gestures to make your function feel extra special. With a private function only bar and a lobby / seating area, it's perfect for many occasions.
We host a variety of function events: wedding parties, christenings, wakes and reunions.
Our function suite can be booked and confirmed for any event with a bespoke function fee. In 2017 we had fully booked our Friday, Saturday and Sunday Evenings for the entire July - December period.
Our services recieve flattering reviews on Facebook with many guests using our facility for more than one occasion. We have provided banquets for political party meetings, full hot buffet menus for weddings and 100 people, 3 course meals.
Our function suite has now hosted several successful St Gemma's Fundraisers, race nights, casino evenings, Tribute shows and our very own Comedy club 'Curtains of Comedy'.
Function Suite | Function Suite | Members Bar |
Event Hosting |